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Learning, Teaching, Doing

Deyako Knowledge Ware


Learning, Teaching, Doing

Deyako Knowledge Ware

Deyako Knowledge Ware

Parsa Sirang Kherad (LTD)

Deyako knowledge ware company established in 2014 in order to promote the knowledge and cultural disciplines in Iran and world by trying to prepare knowledge-based products in the worldwide network, software, and physical production as well as consulting other organization.

We believe all humans in the world has equal rights and they should help each other to have healthy, progressive life without any war or confliction. Humans are not only responsible for their life, they also responsible for all animals, plants and the environment, which they live in, and they should gain knowledge and applying continues improvement in the living world.

We can restore the purity and integrity in the earth by using just one oldest and simple Iranian quote “Good talk, good thought and good deed” and we should “learn, teach and do” in continues manner.

Company details

Website: http://www.deyako.com

Headquarters: Tehran, Tehran

Tel: +982191005117

Email: [email protected]

Year founded: 2014

Company type: Partnership


e-learning, developing software, consulting, and developing e-sale

Armin Keshavarzi


Business Analyst

[email protected]




Ali Ghourchi


Construction Engineering Management

[email protected]



Arash Keshavarzi


Computer and programming science

[email protected]



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